




Comment on Delete the Documents path of the app
Thank you for your reply. We do not have separate index data for files in the documentDirectory path. Since we use the FileManager API to retrieve and display the list in real time, we can display it as an update if the path has changed. We also update the documentDirectory path every time before retrieving the file list. There were no inquiries about this issue until iOS 17, but there were several similar inquiries in iOS 18.
Oct ’24
Comment on UITableView scrollToRow When switching to the next or previous page, the contents of the previous page do not disappear immediately, but remain as an afterimage and overlap for a while.
We are currently uploading this issue through the Feedback app (installed on beta iOS versions). Feedback ID is FB11711356. We are waiting because this issue affects the apps we sell. Could you please let me know if this issue or feedback is ongoing or what is going on? If the iOS issue is correct and can be improved, we will try to answer that users will improve it with an iOS update when they inquire about the problem.
Oct ’22